Thursday, 31 May 2012

book covers

for a project just gone i had to create three book covers chosen from a list of eight. my chosen books were animal farm, the master and Margarita, and kiss kiss hope you like them

Friday, 25 May 2012

timber! the lumberjacks are here

like my viking illustrations Ive started a book of lumberjacks here are the first ideas and sketches enjoy :)

Sunday, 20 May 2012

more judge Dai and other assorted 2000AD stuff

in an earlier post i introduced my own character Judge Dai. hes a character based on the 2000AD character judge Dredd and inhabits the same world as Dredd but is instead in the apocalyptic land that is wales. after the atomic wars only a few towns survived in wales, abandoned by Britcit it is a town ruled only by the few judges who still live and get by in the town of Megadare. fighting roid boys, chavos and skanks its quite hard to get by but when you got a lawgiver its not all that bad..

G2 illustration covers the finals

here are the end designs for the G2 covers

 cover showing that being a lumberjack is one of the worst jobs in america
 david cameron and the pasty tax
 the un easy ceasfire in syria as UN observers go in
 Charlie brooker's article concerning the choice of being homosexual in a scifi game and how he argues about the gameing communitee being against it
concerns the story of Noel Edmunds finding and tracking down a internet troll who made a facebook group stating Noel should die

G2 illustration cover work

a recent project in which we had to make five illustrated covers for the Guardians G2 supplement. so i set about looking at what was in the news at the time and what would look best on the front of a G2 cover. these are all the roughs, ill put a post up showing the finished covers

within the gnarled wood something this way comes..

its been a while..a very long time actually to be true so here is all the work i haven't been putting up but believe me I'm very busy at the moment